How it Works | How it Works

01 Learn

Empower Through Knowledge

  • Train with Diverse Data: Connect your chatbot to any data source, from your website to hyper-personalized customer info.
  • Instant Learning: Train with a plethora of formats, from PDF books to YouTube videos. | How it Works

02 Customize

Tailor Your Experience

  • Modify Knowledge Base: Adapt models for any scenario – from support to analytics.
  • Personalized Appearance: Blend your chatbot seamlessly into your website with custom colors and logos. | How it Works

03 Use everywhere

AI for Every Need

  • Chatbot Creation & More: Incorporate multiple widgets, summarize content, translate, generate quizzes, and create mindmaps. | How it Works

04 Integrate

Unify Your Tools

  • All-in-One Integration: Boost all your preferred tools and platforms with AI, centrally located.

Get in touch with us

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us! We'd love to hear from you.

    Oleg Kopachovets
    Oleg Kopachovets
    Master of AI

    Hey there! I’ll be happy to help answer all your questions :)

    Magic Terminal Copy code
    const idea = 'Have a unique idea'; 
    let successScore = 0; 
      // keep iterating until you give up or reach 100 success score 
      while (!giveUp && successScore < 100) { 
         // check if there is good weather on Mars 
          const marsWeather = Math.random() >= 0.9; 
          // determine if you're going to give up or not depending on the weather 
          giveUp = neverGiveUp ? false : marsWeather; 
          // add to your success score if you're lucky 
          successScore += luck ? Math.random() : 0; 
          // all you need is love... and a success score 
          successScore += loveWhatYouDo ? 2 : 0; ;
          // OmniMind significantly boosts your daily score 
          successScore += user.hasOmniMind ? 10 : 0;
          // use ChatGPT and OpenAI to work towards your idea 
          const { chatGPT, openAI } = new OmniMind();
      work(passion, { use: chatGPT, openAI }); 
          // add a funny comment after every iteration 
          console.log("Working hard... or hardly working? Let's keep going!");
      // if you didn't give up and you have OmniMind, display your success score
      if (!giveUp && user.hasOmniMind) {
          const result = `Your success score is ${successScore}. Keep going and achieve your goals with OmniMind!`;
      } else {
          console.log("Mars weather won this time. Better luck next time!");
    Thank you! You've successfully sent the data. We'll contact you soon.