Live Connect

The Live Chat Connection setting allows you to provide users with the option to switch from the AI agent to a live chat with a real person. You can customize the button label (e.g., “Talk to a person”) and configure it to integrate with external chat services like Intercom, HubSpot, or DialogFlow. Alternatively, you can use a custom code to redirect users to a different platform. This feature is triggered when the AI agent cannot provide a satisfactory answer or based on specific conditions defined in the agent’s instructions.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open your AI agent that you want to activate Live Connection for
  2. Navigate to the Behavior menu in the sidebar on the left and scroll down slightly to find the Live Chat Connection option. Activate it.
  3. Set up the text for the Call to Action button in the ‘Button label for live chat‘ field and choose a suitable live connect option from the dropdown menu
  4. Save settings
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