🧾 Plans

Get started for Free or upgrade for more content and customizations.

We provide a 🎁 Free opportunity for new users to try our product. To do this, select the 🌟 Beginner plan.

It includes:

  • Up to 1 Project
  • Characters: 6.0M
  • Calls: 1.2K GPT3.5
  • Balance: 5$

You pay for the amount of downloaded information and the number of requests. at the same time, you can use your own API keys of OpenAI or other AI systems.

We provide types of plans:

For entry-level studies and academic explorationAdvanced tools for professionals and experienced researchersComprehensive support for leading scientists and innovators.Custom software development with dedicated OmniMind platform hosting
$39 per month$99 per month$399 per monthContact us
This includes:
– GPT3.5: yes
– Widgets: 3
– Projects: 2
– Informers: 7
– Characters: 10M
– File Extensions: 4

This includes:
– GPT4: by key
– Alternative AI: Limited
– GPT3.5: yes
– Widgets: 19
– Projects: 10
– Informers: 15
– Characters: 100M
– Extended Customization: yes

This includes:
– API: Yes
– GPT4: yes
– Alternative AI: yes
– GPT3.5: yes
– Widgets: 19
– Projects: 100
– Informers: 30
– Characters: 1
– File Extensions: 12
-Updates: yes
– Extension Customization: Yes

This includes:
– Integration to your business
– Custom dataflow
– Dedicated platform
– 100% data privacy

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